Saturday, January 12, 2008

The First Advocacy Corporation (a Model)

The Problem:
If Jesus Christ himself ran a corporation and it was cheaper to outsource jobs to China or India - HE WOULD BE REQUIRED TO DO SO
Now, I know you are saying - hey, he's Jesus Christ - he's the model of Christian goodness - HE WOULD NOT DO THAT. It turns out that Jesus Christ, just like every other CEO, would need to outsource your job to India BECAUSE the ONLY legal responsibility of a corporation is to its shareholders.

The Solution:

Now imagine if the people who created the movie "The Corporation", incorporated into the form of an "Anti-Corporation" or Advocacy Corporation and Jesus Christ was the CEO of THAT corporation....

  • THEY would now have protected status in society (like the FDA does), so they no longer need to make money - as an advocacy organization they get money via subsidies, directly from the federal government.
  • THEIR advocacy charter would state that they are advocating for changing the role of corporations in society to more effectively balance individual needs with group needs (in society we need both and they recognize that). THIS CHARTER CANNOT BE CHANGED.
  • You and I can also BOTH get tax deductions for donating to THEM AND can directly invest in THEM and be issued non-voting stock.
  • THEY now must have a list that THEY maintain of corporations, organizations and people who share THEIR advocacy goals (advocates).
  • THEY MUST also now take federal money, invested money and donated money and DIRECTLY invest in these corporations, organizations and people (THEY can also be one of these companies), in a fully transparent way (accessible to anyone via a web site), based on some "stated point system" (of course stating why the "advocates" got the points THEY gave them).
  • THEY now MUST also use that money to maintain THEIR own media consisting of reporters, bloggers and other advocacy tools. According to FCC regulations, as THEY are now a federally sanctioned government entity, THEY get free media time (like a political candidate) so a media corporation CANNOT block THEM or their message in any way (we would have to make this so also)., try to tell me THIS would not change the game forever (and set Jesus Christ free to make his own decisions :)).

Help me make creating the "Advocacy Corporation" or the "Anti-Corporation" type, the main election issue for 2008.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the way you think. Only one problem and we need to work on it before any real change will ever take place. Lobbyists.

Vote RON PAUL for starters, then we need to vote in Reps and Senators who will support his ideas. Advocacy in the corporate world can world.