Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Some Simple Formulas

I think at this point we need some formulas that we can use to describe the content on this blog thus far:

The World:
+ Only Legal Responsibility of Corporation (Profit to Shareholders)
= MUST Outsource - YOU are expendable

Corporate Governance:
Corporation + Regulation = Large Bureaucracy/Monitoring Force
(Corporation encouraged to BUY Regulators to silence critics; Inefficient)

Corporation + Media = Media Consolidation
(Corporation encouraged to BUY Media to silence critics)

Corporation + Advocacy Corporation = Self Governing Transparent System
(outside, but subsidized by Government; Media Implicit - cannot be bought; not profit driven)

The Creation of the FDA:
Government + Media = Regulator
(No media - no regulator)

The Impetus For Lobbying:
Government + Regulation + Corporation = Lobbyist
(reaction by Corporations to Government Regulation to BUY Government and Regulators)

The Perils of Lobbyists and Regulators Behind Closed Doors:
Lobbyist + Regulation - Media = Black Box (not a transparent process) - ex. SIC -> NASIC

Corporation = Efficiency
(most widgets for lowest cost)

Advocacy Corporation = Protect Humanity
(what part of our humanity did we compromise to sell the widgets and how do we do both?)

Why We Need Advocates:
Government + Corporation + Regulator + Lobbyist + Advocate = Democracy
Government + Corporation + Regulator + Lobbyist = ?

Corporate Policy Creates Robots To Manage Risk:
+ Policy
+ Corporation
= Robots
(manage risk by destroying initiative - breeds Robots who fear operating outside of Policy)

Advocacy Corporation Policy Creates Advocates To Challenge Policy and Align it with Humanity:
+ Advocacy Goal
+ Advocacy Corporation
= Promote Advocates
(protects advocates/initiative in society)

You + Policy + Robots + Frustration = Advocacy Corporation in 2008

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