We have a big problem that threatens our entire democracy.
The Advocate in society - the idealists, the dreamers and the people who seek change of ANY kind against current policies (i.e. the people who do not act like robots), are not structurally protected in any way by our current system.
A democracy cannot function and will die without an informed and active citizenry. A democracy cannot function without advocates.
The Advocate role is in danger. Corporations are buying regulators and government under the guise of Capitalism, and now aggressively limiting what information you and I see.
At the same time government regulators and government in general, are growing more and more influential - bigger and less accountable - and more and more of the information we need to make decisions is being made harder to easily get to.
This is a structural problem and has NOTHING to do with who enters the role of the presidency AND IS MORE IMPORTANT and therefore needs to be THE issue that the 2008 Election centers around.
The most recent example of this was the exclusion of Dennis Kucinich from the democratic debates aired on NBC by NBC- even though he too was running for the democratic party nomination.
But why? Dennis Kucinich has the answer for you here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNXP1djL27A. It turns out that GE owns NBC and GE builds nuclear power plants, Raytheon is also owned by GE and is a military contractor.
In short, GE - has an interest in excluding presidential candidates that will shrink the Military Industrial Complex - GE is part of the Military Industrial Complex. This is the very thing Eisenhower warned us about (last 2 posts). This is NOT DEMOCRACY.
Whether you agree with Dennis Kucinich is IRREVALENT.
Whether you are Republican or Democrat is IRREVALENT.
Whether you have concerns about lobbyists is IRREVALENT.
The question is do you support censorship at this level?
This is the same kind of censorship that led to the invasion of Iraq.
This is the same kind of censorship that led members of our government to out a CIA agent - which is an act of treason according to George Bush senior - and then the president, his son, now seeks to pardon himself and all of the people in his administration so they cannot be held accountable - http://furiousmind.blogspot.com/2008/01/president-bush-seeking-to-pardon.html ?
This is NOT Democracy. In democracy your leaders are accountable. In a democracy you are informed. In a democracy you are protected by the government - that's it's job. A government exists for the people, by the people and of the people. This is radically distorted today.
You are not powerless. Create the Advocacy Corporation. END the invisible influence of Corporations like GE. Protect the Advocate - YOU are the Advocate.
Find your passion, whatever it is, and BE the Advocate for something YOU believe in....
Introducing the Advocacy Corporation:
The Advocacy Corporation type, or Anti-Corporation (AC), has one function - to create an active and knowledgeable citizenry that cannot be bought (imagine 50 FDA's exerting pressure advocating for public safety from the private sector). AC's do not legally need to make a profit (as most corporations do).
It does this by being partially federally subsidized, based on a tier of advocacy it has achieved and each citizen may create 1 AC if they choose every year - so if YOU create an AC - based on some type of transparent advocacy goal - you immediately have the ability to:
Via FCC regulations to be put into place, to offer "public service announcements" on a topic related to your advocacy goal. Each channel - not network - must allot a 2 hour time block every day during prime time television (4 hours if the media owner wants to run commercials), for AC's ONLY to register within. A single AC cannot run more than once in a 3 month time period. Also a single point of view cannot run more than once in a 1 month time period. A similar model will need to be applied to print media as well or any other type of unregulated domain.
Donate to an AC and get a tax deduction.
Invest in an AC and have your money invested into Advocates in society consistent with your advocacy goal. There is however, no ROI guaranteed.
Go to a web site that transparently displays why the AC is invested in a particular Advocate and how close the Advocate (a person, organization, corporation, politician, etc.), is to getting a "cash infusion" - once a point is reached determined by the AC itself in it's charter, an AC MUST invest shareholder money AND donations into it's Advocates.
Change the system - Create The Advocacy Corporation type and NOTHING will ever be the same again. YOU are the Advocate :)
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